Paolo Rossi
Paolo Rossi

I started working as a web developer in 1993 and as a Delphi developer in 1995, I joined Wintech Italia in 2000 and since then a Delphi installation is always present on my PC.

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New blog hosting and design

10 apr 2025 - 1 Min Read

Paolo Rossi

Web & Delphi Developer

New blog hosting and design

By Paolo Rossi - 10 apr 2025

For the last years I've been using Eleventy to build my company primary website (Wintech Italia) and the Delphi Day conference website, so I decided to redo my blog using this fantastic static site generator (SSG).

My blog has been on a self-hosted deployment of Ghost for many years. Ghost has been a great platform but I felt that I didn't need anymore a full fledged CMS only to write a few article, plus in the last year I started using markdown more an more for code documentation, note taking, etc...

Another pain point was the AWS self hosting (nothing wrong with AWS, it is a fantastic platform!) but there was too much work involved (certificates, security, nginx configuration) and I didn't want to waste time on that instead of writing articles and code.

For the UI redesign I started with an HTML template found on ThemeForest isolating the different "sections" (header, navigation, sidebar, footer) for a flexible presentation layout.

So, after some days of work now my new blog (with the old articles) is back again! and I hope to write more articles on Delphi and web deveopment!

Stay tuned!