Paolo Rossi
Paolo Rossi

I started working as a web developer in 1993 and as a Delphi developer in 1995, I joined Wintech Italia in 2000 and since then a Delphi installation is always present on my PC.

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Coding is Fun

Adventures of a (mostly) happy coder :-)

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Welcome to the first part of the JSON Serialization with Neon series that will show you how to serialize Delphi types (simple types, objects, records, etc...) into JSON and deserialize JSON strings into Delphi types...

JSON Serialization with Neon - Part 1

Welcome to the first part of the JSON Serialization with Neon series that will show you how to serialize Delphi types (simple types, objects, records, etc...) into JSON and deserialize JSON strings into Delphi types...

JWT Authentication with Delphi Part 4

In the previous articles I've covered the basic use of the JWT in Delphi (token generation, signature validation). In this, and in the next articles, I want to show some advanced concepts of using the JWT...

JWT Authentication with Delphi Part 3

Now that we have introduced the JSON Web Token in Part 1 and dissected it in Part 2, we are ready to fire up Delphi and start writing some code to generate, verify, and validate some JWT tokens...

Building a (real) Linux daemon with Delphi Part 2

In the first part I showed how to run a normal console application in the background on the Linux operating system, so now is the time to develop and deploy a real Linux daemon with Delphi!

Building a (real) Linux daemon with Delphi Part 1

This will be a multipart article, in this first part I explore the options of launching a (console) Linux program in background, in the next part I will focus on building a proper Linux Daemon with Delphi. So let's start!

JWT Authentication with Delphi Part 2

In the first part of this article, I introduced the concept of authentication, the benefits using token-based authentication (opposed to session-based authentication), the use of JWT in a REST service...

JWT Authentication with Delphi Part 1

This is the first article of a series about JWT and authentication technologies using Delphi, specifically I'll cover the topic of authentication (mostly in a HTTP world) using tokens (specifically JSON Web Tokens)...